At Bethlehem Lutheran Church, you are welcome, just as you are. We want to walk through life with you as part of your faith community, helping you grow in your relationship with Jesus.
About Us
Our Mission & Values
We have been saved through an outpouring of God's love on the cross and not through any of our own doing. We live in the promise, from Romans Chapter 8, that nothing will ever separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. We find purpose in sharing God's love in service and witness.
We hold the Bible as the Word of God, the story of a loving God, our creator, redeemer, and constant companion. God's Word continues as a living and transforming presence in today's world, for both individuals and communities.
Radical Inclusion
The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is a story of radical inclusion. Jesus said, "And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself." John 12
The Holy Spirit led early church leaders to proclaim, "There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3
We have been set free in baptism to love others, especially those most in need. We work together with other churches, and with those of other faiths, to bring peace and justice to our world.
We have been brought into a relationship with God through forgiveness. As people of God, we are called to embody forgiveness in speech, action, and relationships as we continue God's work of reconciliation.
We are a family-oriented, Spirit-led, Christian church with deep roots in the Lutheran tradition. We are people who experience God's love in church gatherings and in our everyday lives. We are sent to love others.
Our Staff & Leadership Team
Transistional Pastor
Pastor Joanne graduated from Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago in 1994. She ordained in 1997. She has served in numerous congregations in Metro Chicago. Last serving at Martin Luther Church in the city. Prior to ordination she was a medical technologist for 25 years. Her passion is pastoral care and Christian education.
Email Pastor Joanne
Cindy's passions include volunteer work, reading, and being "Grammy" to her five grands, Callie, Catie, Caroline, Jordy, and Raelynn.
Arturo brings his warmth, energy, and contemporary music to worship.
Peg appreciates the beauty of nature in all seasons–including Illinois winters! She enjoys rooting for the Cubs and other Chicago sports teams.
Gary and his wife, Karen, joined Bethlehem in 1984, at the invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pearson. Their four children were baptized and confirmed at BLC, and their two grown daughters were married in the church.